Freediving Training
SPECIAL COURSES & COACHING SESSIONSWe offer training sessions and personal coaching days, for already certified freedivers who want to improve their techniques, overcoming those physical and/or mental obstacles that had blocked their progression. Always tailored them to your personal needs.

Freediving Photography Course
This two day course will help you get the most out of your camera.On day one you will learn the basics of how light behaves underwater and how this affects your photos, how to increase the amount of colour in your photos and basic composition guidance. Day two will involve learning how to make the most out of your camera including how to change the amount of light being recorded, and further composition tips. Both days include plenty of in-water time to make the most of your new found skills. They also include tips on editing, as well as use of different programs that are available.
Course suitable for AIDA 2* and over, who can dive comfortably to a depth of 10m for around 30 seconds or more.
Monofin Development Sessions
Come and develop your monofin technique with us.We can train you how to use your monofin correctly. We can organize a one hour session in the pool allowing you to practice your monofin kick style, the turn with the monofin and how to start efficiently with the mono fin.
DPV Course
Try Freediving with DPV’s (diver propulsion vehicles)Over two days we give you all the knowledge that you need to be able to handle the DPV’s (diver propulsion vehicles) in a proficient manner including how to rescue someone. The course includes one day of reef freediving and one day of line freediving as well as two sessions of theory.
Performance Improvement Session
These sessions will work through your objectives and work with you to achieve your goals and ambitions.Are you struggling to move your freediving on or can you just not get as relaxed as you want to? Or maybe you have a specific goal you want to achieve? These sessions will work through your objectives and work with you to achieve your goals and ambitions.
We can also work on self hypnosis to help you develop that relaxed state of mind when your freediving. The session(s) is landbased and works with neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) techniques to help you unlock your full potential.
Training Days
Why not give yourself some extra time to practice your freediving or combine some training days with your course.We can organize training days with either one or two open water sessions or one open water and one pool session to allow you to either practice and improve your personal bests or train freediving technique to allow you to get better at freediving. Come and try to do some exhale breathholds along the bottom of the pool.